An exciting art adventure is taking place again - and you can take part!
"The purpose of the Global Art Project is to joyously create a culture of peace through art. The Project gives participants in local communities an opportunity to join together to create a cooperative global community. It's an opportunity for people to join their energy together to seed the future with visions of peace," Project Founder/Director, Katherine Josten.
Since 1993, the Project has linked 130,000 participants in 85 countries on seven continents. I have taken part for the last 10 years, both as an individual and as part of the Healing Arts Group, In House Arts & Art Stars at Otley Courthouse, and Otley Green Fair.
This year, visitors to Otley Green Fair (Saturday 23rd April at Otley Courthouse) will be able to take part in creating a work about peace. The In House Arts group will also be participating and exchanging artworks with the Detroit Society of Women Painters and Sculptors.
Every Sunday in April, and on Saturday 9th April, I will be at my studio from 10:00 till 17:00 creating art with women as Healing Arts Group events. The artworks we create will be exhibited at Otley Courthouse Arts & Resource Centre, before being posted to Minervas (Women Changing the World) in Florida - and they will be sending us their art in exchange!
Children at Story Explorers in Ilkley will be writing poems of peace to send to the Noah Webster Microsociety Magnet School in Hartford, Connecticut and I will be sending my personal work to Tucson, Arizona.